Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day

This might be the most dreaded holiday of the school year for a mom whose  kids  have food allergies.

At the beginning of the school year, I went to my daughter's class and made oat flour and then oat pancakes with her entire class. They had a good time and I hope it helped her different food be  more "exciting."

I pack both their lunches and snacks every day so I do not worry much about  what they are exposed to on a daily basis. Their school is also wonderful at communicating with me and taking their allergies seriously.

I've left a stash of treats with the teachers for my daughter for days when classmates bring birthday treats. She has never complained to me about this arrangement. I think she's content.

Tomorrow it is the unknown that worries me. I know the teachers will keep an eye on my daughter and what she eats. I also know they will ask all children to leave the candy alone while at school. However, a classroom full of 3 year olds is going to be bringing in loads of candy and other treats. What if someone sneaks a treat? What if my daughter's friend convinces her to sneak a treat too?

Thankfully my daughter is understanding of her food needs. We will have one of "those" discussions at home tomorrow morning and in the car on the way to school too.

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